Stage Credits
“An intense story of love, catastrophe and survival on Britain's home front; a true tale from World War 2, this deeply moving and powerful story unfolds uniquely, including farcical radio announcements and good old British MusicHall traditions, A Long Night In London will take you on a journey you will never forget”
A Long Night in London
Role: Joe
Director: Bernie C. Byrnes
Producer: Giddy Theatre
Year: 2023
Dick Whittington and His Cat
Role: King Rat
Director: Adam Stafford
Producer: South Hill Park Productions
Year: 2018
Matthew Houston as King Rat got all the boos and hisses he richly deserved.”
‘‘Ed Rowe’s new play is a powerful and emotional piece of strong Cornish theatre. The Hireth performers have been well cast and each individual performance is perfect’’
Role: Percy Rowe
Director: Simon Harvey
Producer: O-Region, Palores Productions
Year: 2018
Beauty and The Beast
Role: The Beast / Prince
Director: Adam Stafford
Producer: South Hill Park Productions
Year: 2017
“Director Adam Stafford has got together an excellent cast with a beast of a performance from Matthew Houston”
“This is theatre as its most thoughtful and outward-looking”
Trying to Find Chinatown
Role: Benjamin
Director: Mingyu Lin
Producer: Pokfulam Road Productions
Year: 2017
The Curing Room
Role: Georgi Poleko
Director: Joao De Sousa
Producer: Stripped Down Productions
Year: 2014
“With guts, gouged eyes and even human carcases on stage, this is not a play for the squeamish. Its violence and gore is relentless and the acting impassioned – Matthew Houston as a young private is particularly good.”